Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eucharistic Adoration

Suppose a young man is feeling called to consider the priesthood. While there are many challenging aspects of discernment, there are several things that the young man can do to further discern what God is asking of him. One of the greatest ways of doing this is through Eucharistic Adoration. It is in adoration that we see God face to face. As one very wise priest I know once said, Eucharistic Adoration is like marinating in the love of God. The Eucharist penetrates us, and no matter how many road blocks we think we can put between us and God, the Eucharist breaks through all those roadblocks and affects us deeply. There is no coincidence that parishes that have regular adoration offered in their parish are also the parishes that have guys enter the seminary. This fact isn't because there are just more vocations in their parishes; it is that young people have the opportunity to discern that call more often.

What a great treasure trove of graces are waiting for us when we adore the Lord in the Eucharist! For now, I call on a pamphlet written by Bishop Zubik of Pittsburgh to assist me in the explanation and catechesis of what adoration is.

I encourage the reader of this blog to check out this outstanding article that he wrote. I hope your hearts are moved to consider going to adoration. May you always remain close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God bless.

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